Gate EC-2015 – 2 Question Paper With Solutions

Q. 56 An air-filled rectangular waveguide of internal dimensions a cm Gate EC-2015 - 2 Question Paper With Solutions b cm (a > b) has a cut-off frequency of 6 GHz for the dominant Gate EC-2015 - 2 Question Paper With Solutionsmode. For the same waveguide, if the cut-off frequency of the Gate EC-2015 - 2 Question Paper With Solutions mode is 15 GHz, the cut-off frequency of the Gate EC-2015 - 2 Question Paper With Solutions mode in GHz is _______.

Answer: (13.74)


Gate EC-2015 - 2 Question Paper With Solutions Gate EC-2015 - 2 Question Paper With Solutions

Learn More:   Gate ME 2015-2 Question Paper With Solutions


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