Gate EC-2015 – 2 Question Paper With Solutions

Q. 11 Let the signal f (t) = 0 outside the interval Gate EC-2015 - 2 Question Paper With Solutionsare finite. Furthermore,Gate EC-2015 - 2 Question Paper With Solutions The region of convergence (ROC) of the signal’s bilateral Laplace transform F(s) is

(A) A parallel strip containing the Gate EC-2015 - 2 Question Paper With Solutionsaxis

(B) A parallel strip not containing theGate EC-2015 - 2 Question Paper With Solutions axis

(C) The entire s-plane

(D) A half plane containing theGate EC-2015 - 2 Question Paper With Solutions axis

Answer: (C)


Gate EC-2015 - 2 Question Paper With Solutions

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