Gate EC-2016 – 1 Question Paper With Solutions

Q.13 Given the following statements about a function Gate EC-2016 - 1 Question Paper With Solutions, select the right option:
P : If f (x) is continuous at Gate EC-2016 - 1 Question Paper With Solutions, then it is also differentiable at Gate EC-2016 - 1 Question Paper With Solutions
Q : If f (x) is continuous at Gate EC-2016 - 1 Question Paper With Solutions, then it may not be differentiable at Gate EC-2016 - 1 Question Paper With Solutions
R : If f (x) is differentiable atGate EC-2016 - 1 Question Paper With Solutions, then it is also continuous at Gate EC-2016 - 1 Question Paper With Solutions

(A) P is true, Q is false, R is false

(B) P is false, Q is true, R is true

(C) P is false, Q is true, R is false

(D) P is true, Q is false, R is true

Answer: (B)


Gate EC-2016 - 1 Question Paper With Solutions

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