Gate EC-2007 Question Paper With Solutions

Q. 46 An 8255 chip is interfaced to an 8085 microprocessor system as an I/O mapped I/O as show in the figure. The address lines Gate EC-2007 Question Paper With Solutions of the 8085 are used by the 8255 chip to decode internally its thee ports and the Control register. The address lines Gate EC-2007 Question Paper With Solutions to A as well as theGate EC-2007 Question Paper With Solutions signal are used for address decoding. The range of addresses for which the 8255 chip would get selected is

Gate EC-2007 Question Paper With Solutions

(A) F8H – FBH

(B) F8GH – FCH

(C) F8H – FFH

(D) F0H – F7H

Answer:   (C)


Gate EC-2007 Question Paper With Solutions

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