Electrical MCQs App Download

Electrical MCQs App Download

Electrical mcqs app covers almost all topics of Electrical Engineering. We provide you chapter wise test session and overall mock test to enhance your preparation. By using electrical engineering mcqs application, you can prepare your electrical engineering related jobs test. You can also prepare you electrical engineering interview questions. This Electrical MCQs application we provide you 10000+ questions and answers. You can find past exam tests of electrical engineering. If you find any problem related question and answers please report us and Kindly share your feedback with us…

Interview and electrical mcqs. Chapter wise offline and online objective test electrical engineering and electrical test questions and answers. This app covers electrical exam questions and answers for free.


Also see: Interview Questions

  1. Best Electrical Study App Download For Interview Preparation
  2. 7 Purpose of NGR Neutral Grounding Resistor Transformer & Generator
  3. Arc Horn are used in High Voltage Transmission Line Why?
  4. Electric Shock | How Does human body get electric shock
  5. Ferrite Core On Cable | Why Ferrite Core | Working Principle
  6. How Does Series Reactor Reduce Harmonic
  7. Main Purpose of Damper Winding in Generator
  8. Most Dangerous AC Shock or DC Shock
  9. Purpose of Chokes in Tube Light
  10. Reason For Transformer Core Saturation
  11. Single Phase System vs Three phase System
  12. Transformer Taps Are Provided On High Voltage Side Why?
  13. What Happen Capacitor Bank Connected in no load
  14. What happens if DC supply given to the Inductor
  15. What is Cogging of Induction Motor Definition and Explanation
  16. What is Crawling of Induction Motor Definition & Simple Explanation
  17. What is Electrical Grid
  18. What is The Purpose Of Stockbridge Damper In Transmission Line
  19. Why 25kV is used in Railway Traction System
  20. Why 60 Watts incandescent Bulb Glow in Yellow color
  21. Why Aluminium and Copper Vessels & Pot not Used in Induction Stove
  22. Why Are Alternators Rating in KVA or MVA
  23. Why Battery Cannot Store AC voltage
  24. Why Capacitor and Inductor are used in Filtering Circuit
  25. Why Capacitor Has Leading Power Factor
  26. Why capacitor is required for Single phase motor
  27. Why Capacitors Use As High Voltage Protection
  28. Why DC Does Not Have Power Factor ?
  29. Why DC Voltage is preferred for Control circuit? 
  30. Why Does Bird Not Get Shock on Transmission lines?
  31. Why Earth Pin is Plastic Thicker and Longer
  32. Why Earthing Transformer are used
  33. Why High Voltage is Preferred to Transmit the Power
  34. Why in India 11kV, 22kV, 33kV, 66kV, 132kV…
  35. Why India has 50 Hz Power System and US has 60 Hz 110 Volts Power System
  36. Why induction motor Takes high starting current
  37. Why Inductor Has Lagging Power Factor
  38. Why Inductors Use In Filtering Circuit and VFDs
  39. Why is Battery United AmpsHour AH
  40. Why Lighting Transformer Used for Lighting Loads
  41. Why Permanent magnet generator (PMG) poles are high
  42. Why PT and CT Terminals are Star Connected
  43. Why Stones are used in Transformer Yard & Switchyard?
  44. Why Tertiary Winding is used in transformer?
  45. Why VFD Duty Motor Frame Size is Higher Than Normal Motor
  46. Why we should not give dc supply to Transformer
  47. Why Wind Turbine Has Only Three Blades Not More or Less
  48. Why Zig-Zag Winding Transformer Used
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