Gate CS-2014-2 Question Paper With Solutions

Q. 60 Consider the following relation on subsets of the set S of integers between 1
and 2014. For two distinct subsets U and V of S we say U < V if the minimum
element in the symmetric difference of the two sets in U .

Consider the following two statements:

S1: There is a subset of S that is larger than every other subset.
S2: There is a subset of S that is smaller than every other subset.

Which one of the following is CORRECT?

(A) Both S1 and S2 are true

(B) S1 is true and S2 is false

(C) S2 is true and S1 is false

(D) Neither S1 nor S2 is true

Answer: (A)


Gate CS-2014-2 Question Paper With Solutions

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