Gate CS-2014-2 Question Paper With Solutions

Q. 38 A graphical HTML browser resident at a network client machine Q accesses a
static HTML webpage from a HTTP server S . The static HTML page has exactly
one static embedded image which is also at S . Assuming no caching, which
one of the following is correct about the HTML webpage loading (including the
embedded image)?

(A) Q needs to send at least 2 HTTP requests to S , each necessarily in a
separate TCP connection to server S

(B) Q needs to send at least 2HTTP requests to S , but a single TCP
connection to server S is sufficient

(C) A single HTTP request from Q to S is sufficient, and a single TCP connection
between Q and S is necessary for this

(D) A single HTTP request from Q to S is sufficient, and this is possible without
any TCP connection between Q and S

Answer: (B)


Gate CS-2014-2 Question Paper With Solutions

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