Kilowatts to Amps Calculator (kW to A) Full Load Current (FLA)

Kilowatts to amps Calculator (kW to A):

Using our kW to Amp calculator, you can convert DC, Single phase and three phase kilo Watts to Ampere Online. For that just fill the kW and Voltage value in the below two boxes and by pressing the calculating button to get the answer in Amps. For AC you need to enter power factor value too.

Select current type:  
Enter power in kilowatts: kW
Enter voltage in volts: V
Current result in amps: A

For Direct current:

Current in Amp (A) is equal to 1000 times of kW and divided by Voltage in Volts

I(A) = 1000 × P(kW) / V(V)

In other words,

Amp = 1000 * kW / Volts.

For Single Phase:

As we said earlier, we need to fill the power factor also. AC current is the 1000 times of the real power and divided by the multiplication of voltage and power factor. Hence for calculating single-phase kW to Amp, the formula become,

Learn More:   kV to Torque Calculator, Formula, kV to Torque Calculation

I(A) = 1000 × P(kW) / (PF × V(volts) )

Amp = 1000 * kW / pf * V(Volts)

Here P(kW) is a Real power,

For Three-phase:

Three-phase current I(A) is equal to 1000 times of real power divided by the 3 times of multiplication of voltage between the line to neutral and power factor.

I(A) = 1000 × P(kW) / (3 × PF × VL-N(V) )

While considering the line to line voltage, it will become

I(A) = 1000 × P(kW) / (3 × PF × VL-L(V) )

Let us take a simple example.

A Three-phase motor nameplate details are 5.5kW, 415 Volts Line to Line, and operated at 0.86 power factor. Calculate the current in Amps.

I(A) = 1000 × 5.5 / (3 × 0.86 × 440)

I(A) = 5500/(1.732*415*0.86)

I(A) = 8.9 Amps

Kilowatts to amps conversion:

Find the below mention tables are the standard motor kW to Full load rate current in Amp conversion value at 0.86 pf.

Learn More:   Gear Force Calculator, Formula, Gear Force Calculation
S. No kW pf V (L-L) A
1 0.75 0.86 415 1.213296
2 1.1 0.86 415 1.779501
3 1.5 0.86 415 2.426592
4 2.2 0.86 415 3.559002
5 3.7 0.86 415 5.985594
6 5.5 0.86 415 8.897505
7 7.5 0.86 415 12.13296
8 11 0.86 415 17.79501
9 15 0.86 415 24.26592
10 22 0.86 415 35.59002
11 37 0.86 415 59.85594
12 50 0.86 415 80.88641
13 75 0.86 415 121.3296
14 90 0.86 415 145.5955
15 110 0.86 415 177.9501
16 132 0.86 415 213.5401
17 150 0.86 415 242.6592
18 175 0.86 415 283.1024
19 220 0.86 415 355.9002
20 250 0.86 415 404.4321
21 280 0.86 415 452.9639
22 310 0.86 415 501.4958
23 350 0.86 415 566.2049
24 375 0.86 415 606.6481
25 420 0.86 415 679.4459



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