kVA to Watt Conversion Calculator (kVA to W)

kVA to watt Conversion calculator:

For converting kVA to Watt, just enter the Apparent power in kVA and power factor, then click on the calculate button. You get the immediate results in Watts.

Enter kilovolt-amps: kVA
Enter power factor:  
Result in watts: W

For calculating Watt from kVA, you need to multiple kVA, pf and 1000. Since the real power P(W) is equal to 1000 times the apparent power S(kVA), and the power factor pf.

P(W) = 1000 × S(kVA) × pf


P(W) – Real power in watt

S(kVA) = Apparent Power in kVA

For Example, Convert 10 kVA into Watt and the power factor is 0.95. Apply our formula

P(W) = 1000 × 10 × 0.95

P(W) = 9500 Watts.

kVA to W Conversion Chart:


S. No kVA pf W
1 10 0.95 9500
2 50 0.95 47500
3 100 0.95 95000
4 500 0.95 475000
5 1000 0.95 950000
6 5000 0.95 4750000




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