kW to kWh Conversion Calculator With Motor kWh Chart

Kilowatts to kilowatt-hours (kW to kWh) calculator:

kWh is the unit of electrical energy which is consumed by a device. Commercially kWh is called unit. All the electricity bill will be calculated based on the kWh only.

Enter power in kilowatts: kW
Enter time in hours: h
Energy result in kilowatt-hours: kWh

KW to kilowatt-hours calculation:

kWh is the multiplication of power P(kW) and time in t(h) hours

E(kWh) = P(kW) × t(h)

kWh = kW * s(h)

In our calculator, just enter the value of power in kW and Time (s) in hours, then press the calculate button to get the kWh value in the results field.

For example,

A 5.5kW three-phase motor is running for 24 hours, calculate kWh?

Apply our formula,

kWh = 5.5 * 24

kWh = 132 Units

kW to kWh Conversion Chart:

Below table of energy consumption of the different rating of motor for running 24 hours.

Learn More:   Series Current Calculator, Formula, Series Calculation
S. No kW Time kWh
1 0.75 24 18
2 1.1 24 26.4
3 1.5 24 36
4 2.2 24 52.8
5 3.7 24 88.8
6 5.5 24 132
7 7.5 24 180
8 11 24 264
9 15 24 360
10 22 24 528
11 37 24 888
12 50 24 1200
13 75 24 1800
14 90 24 2160
15 110 24 2640
16 132 24 3168
17 150 24 3600
18 175 24 4200
19 220 24 5280
20 250 24 6000
21 280 24 6720
22 310 24 7440
23 350 24 8400
24 375 24 9000
25 420 24 10080



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