What if Synchronous Scope on Reverse Direction?

What if Synchronous scope on the reverse direction?

The synchronous scope is the device that is used to synchronize the alternator with the grid manually. It contains an arrow make having the ability to rotate in both clockwise and anti-clockwise direction.

Clockwise Direction:

The synchronous scope rotates at the clockwise direction only of the generator voltage is higher than the bus voltage. Look at the below table,

Clockwise Gen Bus
Voltage High Low
Frequency High Low


Also, note that the speed of the synchronous scope is directly proportional to the voltage and frequency.

Here you can reduce the speed of the synchronous scope by adjusting the generator voltage and frequency.

Remember that, the generator frequency is directly proportional to the speed of the governor; hence to reduce the frequency you can decrease the frequency.

For reducing the generator voltage you can decrease the AVR output voltage.

Anti-clockwise direction reverses direction:

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In this, the bus voltage will be higher than the gen voltage means the synchronous scope stats rotating at an anti-clockwise direction.

Anti-Clockwise Gen Grid
Voltage Low High
Frequency Low High


Generally, the anti-clockwise direction of synchronization is not recommended, after synchronization, the reactive power may change the direction from bus to generator since the generator voltage is less than the grid voltage. Due to this reactive current, the generator stator acts as an induction motor stator and it will not forward the real power instead of that, it consumes it from the grid.

Finally, the generator breaker will trip the circuit on “Low forward power”.

What is the synchronous scope?


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