Watts, Volts, Amps & Ohms Calculator:
Watt is the unit of Power, Amps is the unit of current, Volts is the unit of voltage and ohms is the unit of resistance, here just enter any two value of the four-element and then press calculate, you get the immediate result of the remaining two elements.
Also, you can easily change the value multiplier such as kilo, mega or micro, Milli etc. This option is available for all the parameter.
Voltage, current and resistance are the three fundamental elements and they are responsible for transferring power to any electrical circuit.
In this article, we are going to study about the relationship between current, voltage, resistance and power.
Let us consider,
R = resistance in Ohms
I = current in Amps
V = Voltage in Volts
P = Power in Watts.
Look at the below mentioned
Power, Current, Voltage Resistance Calculation:
Resistance calculation from voltage and current:
Resistance (R) in ohms is equal to the voltage (V) in volts divided by current (I) in Amps, hence the formula will be,
Resistance = Voltage / Current
R = V / I
Ohms = Volts / Amps
Resistance calculation from voltage and Power:
Resistance (R) in ohms is equal to the square of the voltage (V) in volts divided by Power (P) in Watts, hence the formula will be
Resistance = Voltage2 / Power
R = V2 / P
Resistance = Volts² / Watts
Resistance calculation from Current and Power:
Resistance (R) in ohms is equal to Power (P) in Watts divided by the square of the Current (I) in Amps. hence the formula will be,
R = P / I2
Resistance = Power / Current2
Ohms = Watts / Amps²
Current calculation from voltage and resistance:
Current (I) in Amps is equal to Voltage (V) in volts divided by the Resistance (R) in ohms. Hence the formula will be,
Current = Voltage / Resistance
I = V / R
Amps = Volts / Ohms
Current calculation from voltage and Power:
Current (I) in Amps is equal to Power (P) in Watts divided by the voltage (V) in volts. Hence the formula will be,
Current = Power / Voltage
I = P / V
Amps = Watt / Volts
Current calculation from Resistance and Power:
Current (I) in Amps is equal to the square root of Power (P) in Watts divided by the Resistance (R) in ohms. Hence the formula will be,
Current = √ (Power / resistance)
I = √ (P / R)
amps = √ (watts / ohms)
Voltage calculation from Amps and resistance:
Voltage (V) in volts is equal to multiplication of Current (I) in Amps and Resistance (R) in ohms. Hence the formula will be,
Voltage = Current * Resistance
V = I * R
Volts = Amps * Ohms
Voltage calculation from Amps and power:
Voltage (V) in volts is equal to Power (P) in Watts divided by the current (I) in Amps, therefore the formula will be,
Voltage = Power / Current
V = P / I
Volts = Watt / Amps
Voltage calculation from Resistance and power:
Voltage (V) in volts is equal to the square root of Power (P) in Watts times the Resistance (R) in ohms. Hence the formula will be,
Voltage = √ (Power * resistance)
V = √ (P * R)
Volts = √ (Watts * Ohms)
Power calculation from Voltage and current:
Power (P) in Watts is the current I in Amps times of the Voltage in Volts, hence the formula will be,
Power = Current * Voltage
P = V * I
Watt = Volts * Amps
Power calculation from Resistance and current:
Power (P) in Watts is the resistance in ohms times of the current square. The formula is
Power = Current2 * resistance
P = I2 * R
Watts = Amps2 * Ohms
Power calculation from Resistance and Voltage:
Power (P) in Watts is equal to Voltage square divided by the resistance. The formula is
Power = Voltage2 / resistance
P = V2 / R
Watt = Volts2 / Ohms