Watts to VA Conversion Calculator & Convert W to VA

Watts to VA Conversion calculator:

Enter watts: W
Enter power factor:  
Result in volt-amps: VA

Enter Real power in watts and apparent power in VA at the above-mentioned calculator to get the VA. Here the relationship between the real power P and apparent power S is that the real power divided by the power factor is equal to apparent power.

Apparent power (VA) = real power (W) / power factor

S(VA) = P(W) / PF

In simple words,

Volt-Amp is equal to Watt divided by the power factor.

Hence, for converting W to VA,

VA = W / pf


Calculate the VA rating of the 15000 Watts, 0.96pf single phase transformer.

Apply, our formula

VA = 15000 / 0.96

Apparent Power S(VA) = 15625 Volt – Amp

W to VA Conversion Table:

Below mentioned W to VA chart is prepared for the standard motor rating. Hence 750 Watts motor VA rating will be 798 VA at 0.95 pf.

S. No Watts pf VA
1 750 0.95 789
2 1100 0.95 1158
3 1500 0.95 1579
4 2200 0.95 2316
5 3700 0.95 3895
6 5500 0.95 5789
7 7500 0.95 7895
8 11000 0.95 11579
9 15000 0.95 15789
10 22000 0.95 23158
11 37000 0.95 38947
12 50000 0.95 52632
13 75000 0.95 78947
14 90000 0.95 94737
15 110000 0.95 115789
16 132000 0.95 138947
17 150000 0.95 157895
18 175000 0.95 184211
19 220000 0.95 231579
20 250000 0.95 263158
21 280000 0.95 294737
22 310000 0.95 326316
23 350000 0.95 368421
24 375000 0.95 394737
25 420000 0.95 442105
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