Screw Torque to Force Calculator, Formula, Screw Torque to Force Calculation

Screw Torque to Force Calculator:

Enter the values of screw Torque, ST(N.m), lead, L(m) and lead angle, a(rad) to determine the value of linear force, LF(N).

Enter Screw Torque: N.m
Enter Lead of the Screw: m
Enter Lead Angle:
Result – Linear Force: N

Screw Torque to Force Formula:

The Screw Torque to Linear Force calculation determines the linear force exerted by a screw based on the applied torque, considering the screw’s physical dimensions and thread pitch.

Linear Force, LF(N) in Newtons, is calculated by dividing the Screw Torque, ST(N.m) in Newton metres, by the product of the lead, L(m) in metres, of the screw and the sine of the lead angle, a(rad) in radians.

Linear Force, LF(N) = ST(N.m) / L(m) * sin(a)

LF(N) = linear force in Newtons, N.

ST(N.m) = screw torque in Newton metres, N.m.

L(m) = lead of the screw in metres, m.

a = lead angle in radians, rad.

Learn More:   Flywheel Torque Calculator, Formula, Flywheel Torque Calculation

Screw Torque to Force Calculation:

  1. Calculate the linear force exerted by a screw when a torque of 10 N.m is applied, given that the screw has a lead of 0.005 metres and a lead angle of 5 degrees.

Given: ST(N.m) = 10N.m,  L(m) = 0.005m, a = 5degrees.

Linear Force, LF(N) = ST(N.m) / L(m) * sin(a)

sin(a) = sin( 5 * 3.14 / 180) = sin(3.14/ 36) = 0.08716

LF(N) = 10 / 0.005 * 0.08716

LF(N) = 22948.57N.

  1. Given a linear force of 200N is required to compress a spring using a screw with a 0.01-metre lead and a lead angle of 30 degrees, calculate the required torque.

Given: LF(N) = 200N,  L(m) = 0.01m, a = 30degrees.

Linear Force, LF(N) = ST(N.m) / L(m) * sin(a)

ST(N.m) = LF(N) * L(m) * sin(a)

sin(a) = sin( 30 * 3.14 / 180) = sin(3.14/ 6) = 0.5

ST(N.m) = 200 * 0.01 * 0.5

ST(N.m) = 2N.m.


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