MPH to G Force Calculator, Formula, MPH to G Force Calculation

MPH to G Force Calculator:

Enter the values of velocity, V(MPH) and radius of the circular path, r(m) to determine the value of MPH to G force, Gf(G).

Enter Velocit: MPH
Enter Radius of the Circular Path: m
Result – MPH to G Force: G

MPH to G Force Formula:

MPH to G force conversion relates a vehicle’s speed in miles per hour (MPH) to the acceleration it experiences in terms of Earth’s gravity (G). This calculation helps understand the forces on objects or passengers during changes in speed or direction.

MPH to G force, Gf(G) is calculated  by dividing the square of velocity, V(MPH) in miles per hour by radius of the circular path, r(m) in metres and 49.09.

MPH to G force, Gf(G) = V2(MPH) / 49.09 *  r(m)

Gf(G) = MPH to G force in Newton, N.

V2(MPH) = velocity in miles per hour, MPH.

r(m) = radius of the circular path in metres, .

MPH to G Force Calculation:

  1. Calculating G-force in a 60 MPH turn with a 100m radius.
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Given: V2(MPH) = 60MPH,  r(m) = 100m.

MPH to G force, Gf(G) = V2(MPH) / 49.09 *  r(m)

Gf(G) = 602 / 49.09 * 100

Gf(G) = 0.73G.

  1. A car is traveling at 60 MPH and experiences a G-force of 0.5G, find the radius of the curve the car is navigating.

Given: V2(MPH) = 60MPH, Gf(G) = 0.5.

MPH to G force, Gf(G) = V2(MPH) / 49.09 *  r(m)

r(m) = V2(MPH) / 49.09 *  Gf(G)

r(m) = 602 / 49.09 * 0.5

r(m) = 146.66m.


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