kW to kVAR Conversion Calculator

kW to kVAR Calculator:

Enter the real power in kilowatts (kW), enter the power factor to get the results of kVAR.

Enter Real Power in Kilo Watts: kW
Enter Power Factor:  
Result – kilo Volt Amp Reactive: kVAR

kW to kVAR Calculation

Reactive power Q(kVAR) in kilo volt-ampere reactive is equal to the power factor times of the real power P(kW) in kilowatts. Hence we can calculate the reactive power in kVAR formula,

kVAR = kW * tan (power angle)

Q(kVAR) = P(kW) * tan(φ)

If you know the power factor then,

Q(kVAR) = P(kW) * tan(cos-1(pf))


Calculate the reactive power in kVAR for the 7.5 kW motor-operated 0.9pf.

kVAR = 7.5 x tan (cos-1(pf))

= 7.5 x tan (cos-1(0.9))

= 7.5 x tan (25.84193276)

= 7.5 x 0.4843221

= 3.6kVAR

kW to kVAR Conversion chart:

Look at the table of kW to kVAR @ 0.96 pf

S. No kW kVAR
1 0.75 0.36
2 1.1 0.53
3 1.5 0.73
4 2.2 1.07
5 3.7 1.79
6 5.5 2.66
7 7.5 3.63
8 11 5.33
9 15 7.26
10 22 10.66
11 37 17.92
12 45 21.79
13 75 36.32
14 90 43.59
15 110 53.28
16 132 63.93
17 150 72.65
18 175 84.76
19 220 106.55
20 250 121.08
21 280 135.61
22 310 150.14
23 350 169.51
24 375 181.62
25 420 203.42
Learn More:   Geyser Power consumption (1, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, 25 Liter)



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