HP to kVAR Conversion Calculator

HP to kVAR Calculator

Enter power rating in HP(horsepower), power factor and then press the calculate button to get the kVAR values from HP.

Enter Real Power in HP: kW
Enter Power Factor:  
Result – kilo Volt Amp Reactive: kVAR

HP to kVAR Calculation

Reactive power Q(kVAR) in Kilo volt amp reactive is equal to 0.746 times of real power P(HP) in horsepower and the tan of power angle (φ). Hence for converting HP to kVAR, the formula can be written as,

Q(kVAR) = 0.746 x P(HP) x tan(φ)


Q(kVAR) = 0.746 x P(HP) x tan(cos-1(pf))


Calculate the reactive power in kVAR for the 1 HP motor is running at 0.86 power factor.

kVAR = 0.746 x 1 x tan(cos-1(0.86))

Reactive power = 0.746 x 1 x 0.59336515

 = 0.44 kVAR.

Hence 1 HP motor consumes 0.44kVAR while operating it in 0.86pf.

Hp to kVAR Conversion Chart:

Look at the table of HP to kVAR conversion chart @ 0.86 pf.

Learn More:   Output Work Calculator, Formula, Calculation
1 1 0.45
2 1.5 0.66
3 2 0.89
4 3 1.31
5 5 2.20
6 7.5 3.32
7 10 4.45
8 15 6.53
9 20 8.90
10 30 13.28
11 50 21.95
12 60 26.70
13 100 44.27
14 120 53.12
15 150 66.40
16 180 79.68
17 200 88.53
18 240 106.24
19 300 132.80
20 350 154.93
21 375 166.14
22 415 183.70
23 470 208.05
24 500 221.33
25 570 252.31


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