DHBVN Electricity Calculator & Per Unit Rate DHBVN

DHBVN Electricity Calculator

DHBVN electricity calculator is used to calculate the electricity for the state of Haryana under the Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Company. DHBVN is under the Government of Haryana hence you do not need to worry about your electricity bills.

Here just enter your electrical units and press the calculate button to get the answers.

Choose Connection type:  
Total Unit Consumption: kWh
Energy Charges INR
Fixed Charges INR
Total Bill INR


DHBVN Electricity tariff Order 2022-23:

As per the tariff order by dhbvn, the consumer will be in two categories such as telescopic and non-telescopic and it means when the consumer consumes under the desired unites the electricity bill shall be levied in slap mode and if the consumer reaches the above the limit, then the consumer shall pay fixed rate for the all units. Likewise the dhbvn has three slaps such as 0 to 100 units, 0 to 800 units and above 800 units.

The consumer consumes under 100 units means they shall pay ₹ 2 per units for their first 50 units and ₹ 2.5 for the next 50 units or remaining consumption.

If the consumer reaches more than 100 units and less than 800 means, they will come under the second slaps such as  for 0-150  ₹ 2.5 /-, 151-250 for ₹ 5.25, 251-500 units ₹ 6.3 and the remaining or 501-800 units it will be ₹ 7.1 /-.

For the consumer consumes more than 800 units means, the rate will be ₹ 7.1 for all consumption and no slap advantage to them.

Look at the below table of electricity tariff rate of dhbvn.

DHBVN Domestic
  Power Range dhbvn Per unit(₹) Fixed Charge
Up to 100 Units 0-50 2  ₹ 115 up to 2kW, ₹70 more than 2kW
50-100 2.5
Up to 800 units 0-150 2.5  ₹ 125 up to 2kW, ₹75 more than 2kW
151-250 5.25
251-500 6.3
501-800 7.1
above 800 units All 7.1


Along with that, the consumer shall pay fixed charges based on their connected load.

As such for fist slaps means the consumer who consumes electricity under 100 units means, they shall pay, ₹ 115 up to 2kW, ₹70 more than 2kW and the remaining slaps will be ₹ 125 up to 2kW, ₹75 more than 2kW.

For commercial consumer shall pay ₹ 6.35 for their consumption and fixed charges of 235 per kW- if they have under 5kW as connected load.

If they have more than 5 kW means, per unit rate will be 7.05/- and the fixed rate will be Nil.

In addition to that the entire consumer shall pay ₹ 1.14 per unit as wheeling charges and the 0.73 as cross subsidy surcharges.

HT Industry 11kV For above 50kW:

For the consumer has above 50kW, then they recommend to use HT supply and the per unit will be ₹ 6.65 per kVAH and the fixed charges will be 170 per kVAH.

HT Industry 33kV for above 50kW: Per unit will be 6.55 per kVA

HT Industry 66kV for above 50kW: Per unit will be 6.45 per kVA

HT Industry 220kV for above 50kW: Per unit will be 6.35 per kVA

HT Industry 400kV for above 50kW: Per unit will be 6.25 per kVA

Example for DHBVN Electricity Calculation:

Let us calculate the electricity bill for the consumer consumes electricity bill 100 units, 560 units and the 850 units with the connected load of 4kW.

Example – Single Phase – One Month – 100
Range Electricity Per unit Unit Consumption Bill amount
0-50 2 50 100
50-100 2.5 50 125
Energy Charges 225
WC 114
FAC 73
Fixed Cost 280
Total 692


For consumption 560 units

Example – Single Phase – One Month – 560
Range Electricity Per unit Unit Consumption Bill amount
0-150 2.5 150 375
151-250 5.25 100 525
251-500 6.3 250 1575
501-800 7.1 60 426
Energy Charges 2526
WC 638.4
FAC 408.8
Fixed Cost 500
Total 4073.2


For 850 Units

Example – Single Phase – One Month – 850
Range Electricity Per unit Unit Consumption Bill amount
More 800 7.1 850 6035
Energy Charges 6035
WC 969
FAC 620.5
Fixed Cost 500
Total 8124.5


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