Cspdcl Electricity Bill Calculator, Per Unit Rate 2023-24

Chhattisgarh Electricity Bill Calculator:

Enter the electricity unit consumption. Then press the calculate button to get energy bills, electricity tax, electricity duty, fixed charges and total electricity bills.

Choose Types:  
Total Unit Consumption: kWh
Enter the Demanded Load in kW: kW
Result – Total Energy Charges: INR
Result – Fixed Charges Amount: INR
Result – Electricity Duty Amount: INR
Result – Meter Rent: INR
Result – Electricity Tax: INR
Result – Total Bill Amount: INR

Chhattisgarh Tariff rate per unit:

In Chhattisgarh, For the consumption of 0 to 100 unit you have to pay ₹ 3.70 per unit, above 100 and below 200 your per unit charge will be ₹ 3.9, for 201 to 400 unit, it is ₹ 5.3 per unit of energy charges, for 401 to 600, the per-unit energy cost is ₹ 6.3 and above 600, the per-unit cost and fixed will be ₹ 7.9.

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Coming to fixed charges, the rate is based on load demand. For example, the consumer shall pay ₹20 per kW if their load demand is under 5kW, if load demand is 5kW to 10kW then the consumer shall pay 30 per kW and ₹40 per kW for the above all load demand of 10kW.

  Power Range  Per unit(₹) Fixed charges
Domestic – Less Than 5kW 0-100 units 3.7 20 per kW
101-200 units 3.9
201 to 400 units 5.3
401 to 600 units 6.3
>601 7.9
Domestic – 5kW to 10kW 0-100 units 3.7 30 per kW
101-200 units 3.9
201 to 400 units 5.3
401 to 600 units 6.3
>601 7.9
Domestic – above 10kW 0-100 units 3.7 40 per kW
101-200 units 3.9
201 to 400 units 5.3
401 to 600 units 6.3
>601 7.9

Electricity tax for Chhattisgarh is 7% and the duty rate will be 0.10 per unit.

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Cspdcl electricity bill calculation:


Calculate the electricity bill for 786 units as per Chhattisgarh latest tariff.

The consumer shall pay ₹ 5032 /-

Look at the table for the first 100 units the bill amount is ₹370/- (3.7 x 100), for next 100 unit ₹ 390 is your bill amount, for next 200 units the bill amount will be 1060 (200 x 5.3), for next 200 units it is ₹ 1260 (6.3 x 200) and next 186, the bill amount will be ₹ 1469.4 (186 x 7.9).

The electricity duty will be 10% and the electricity tax will be ₹ 78.6

Electricity Bill calculation for 786 Units – Chhattisgarh For 4kW Load Demand
Power Range Per unit(₹) Total Units Bill
1-100 3.7 100 370
100-200 3.9 100 390
200-400 5.3 200 1060
400-600 6.3 200 1260
>600 7.9 186 1469.4
  Energy Charges 4549.4
Fixed Charges 80
Duty 78.6
Tax 324.058
Total 5032.058
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Chhattisgarh Commercial Tariff Rate:

The commercial consumer have three tariff slots such as single phase under 5kW, three phase upto 15kW and three phase above 15kW.

  Power Range  Per unit(₹) Fixed charges
Commercial Single Phase Upto 5kW 0-100 units 5.85 50 Per kW
101-400 units 6.85
Above 400 units 8.25
Commercial Three Phase Upto 15kW 0-400 units 6.85 120 per kW
Above 400 units 8.25
Commercial Three Phase above 15kW All 7.55 200 Per kW



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