Watts to Amps Conversion Calculator (W to A) Power to Current

Watts to amps Conversion calculator:

Select current type:  
Enter power in watts: W
Enter voltage in volts: V
Current result in amps: A

For calculating amps from watts, enter watts, volts, and pf of our calculator then press the calculate button to get the Amps.

DC Amp Calculation:

DC current is equal to DC power divided by the applied voltage.

Let us assume,

I(A) = Current in Amps

V(V) = Voltage in Volts

P(W) = DC Power in Watts

I(A) = P(W) / V(V)

Current = Power / Volts

Single AC Amp from Watts Calculation:

Watt is the unit of real power P(W)

Real Power = Voltage * Current * pf


Current = Real power / (Voltage * pf)

I(A) = P(W) / (PF × V(V))

Amps = Watt / (pf * Volts)

Therefore, single-phase AC current in Amp is equal to the real power divided by the multiplication of voltage and power factor.

Learn More:   Line Current Calculator, Formula, Line Calculation

AC three-phase current calculation from watts:

I(A) = P(W) / (3 * PF * VL-N(V) )  ————–Line to neutral Voltage

Above mentioned formula describes the relationship between current, voltage, power and power factor. Here the current in amps is calculated from the real power divided by the three times of multiplication of the line to phase voltage and power factor.

While considering line to line voltage, the three-phase current I(A) become,

I(A) = P(W) / (3 * PF * VL-L(V) ) ————–Line to Line voltage

Since the line voltage is the root 3 times of the phase voltage.

VL-L(V) =3 * VL-N(V) 

Look at the above AC Amp formula, the current is depending on the power factor, voltage. Hence by changing voltage and power we can change the current.

Watts to Amp conversion Chart:

The Amps rating is calculated for single-phase and DC.

S. No Watts AC (L-N)/ DC Volts DC Amps AC Amps at 0.86 pf
1 750 220 3.41 3.96
2 1100 220 5.00 5.81
3 1500 220 6.82 7.93
4 2200 220 10.00 11.63
5 3700 220 16.82 19.56
6 5500 220 25.00 29.07
7 7500 220 34.09 39.64
8 11000 220 50.00 58.14
9 15000 220 68.18 79.28
10 22000 220 100.00 116.28
11 37000 220 168.18 195.56
12 50000 220 227.27 264.27
13 75000 220 340.91 396.41
14 90000 220 409.09 475.69
15 110000 220 500.00 581.40
16 132000 220 600.00 697.67
17 150000 220 681.82 792.81
18 175000 220 795.45 924.95
19 220000 220 1000.00 1162.79
20 250000 220 1136.36 1321.35
21 280000 220 1272.73 1479.92
22 310000 220 1409.09 1638.48
23 350000 220 1590.91 1849.89
24 375000 220 1704.55 1982.03
25 420000 220 1909.09 2219.87
Learn More:   Trace resistance Calculation, Formula, Example




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