W to VAR Conversion Calculator

W to VAR Calculator:

Enter the real power in Watts and the power factor to get the reactive power in VAR (Volt-Amp Reactive).

Enter Real Power in Watts: W
Enter Power Factor:  
Result – Volt Amp Reactive: VAR

W to VAR Calculation:

Watt is the unit of real power and VAR is the unit of reactive power. Reactive power in Volt-Amp Reactive Q(VAR) is equal to the tangent of power angle times of the real power P(W) in Watts. Hence the formula can be written as,

Reactive power in VAR Q(VAR) = P(W) x tan(φ).

Here power angle (φ) is equal to the cosine inverse of the power factor.


Calculate the reactive power consumption of the 200 Watt motor is operated at 0.9 pf.

Reactive power in VAR = 200 x tan (cos-1(0.9))

Q(VAR) = 200 x 0.4843221

= 96.8 VAR.

Learn More:   Table Fan Power Consumption, Calculation, Energy Savings Tips


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