Voltage Imbalance Calculator, Formula, Imbalance Calculation

Voltage Imbalance Calculator

Enter the values of maximum voltage deviation, Vmd(V) and average voltage, Va(V) to determine the value of Voltage imbalance, VI.

Enter Maximum Voltage: V
Enter Average Voltage: V
Result – Voltage Imbalance: %

Voltage Imbalance Formula:

Voltage Imbalance, often expressed as a percentage, is an important factor in power systems, particularly in three-phase systems.

It refers to the difference in magnitude and phase angle among the voltages in a three-phase system.

High levels of voltage imbalance can lead to increased heat, reduced performance, and premature wear and tear on electrical machinery.

Voltage imbalance is commonly caused by uneven loads, unsymmetrical wiring, or a fault in one of the phases.

Voltage imbalance, VI in percentage equals the maximum voltage deviation from the average voltage, Vmd(V) in volts divided by the average voltage, Va(V) in volts and then multiplied by 100.

Voltage imbalance, VI = Vmd(V) / Va(V) * 100

VI = voltage imbalance in percentage.

Vmd(V) = maximum voltage in volts, V.

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Va(V) = average voltage in volts, V.

Voltage Imbalance Calculation:

  1. Calculate the voltage imbalance.

Given: Vmd(V) = 10V, Va(V) = 220V.

Voltage imbalance, VI = Vmd(V) / Va(V) * 100

VI = 10 / 220 * 100

VI = 4.55%.

  1. Calculate the average voltage.

Given: Vmd(V) = 5V, VI = 2.08%.

Voltage imbalance, VI = Vmd(V) / Va(V) * 100

Va(V) = Vmd(V) * 100 / VI

Va(V) = 5 *100 / 2.08

Va(V) = 240V.

Applications and Considerations:

  • Electrical Engineering: Engineers must monitor and minimize voltage imbalances to protect equipment and maintain efficiency.
  • Power Quality: Reducing imbalance is crucial for improving power quality in industrial and commercial settings.
  • Maintenance: Identifying and correcting sources of voltage imbalance can help extend the lifespan of electrical machinery.


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