RMS Current Calculator, Formula, RMS Calculation

RMS Current Calculator

Enter the values of average power, Pave(W) and voltage, V(V) to determine the value of RMS current, IRMS(A).

Enter Average Power: W
Enter voltage: V
Result – Current : A

RMS Current Formula:

RMS (Root Mean Square) current is a measure of the effective value of an alternating current (AC) signal.

It is defined as the square root of the mean of the squares of the instantaneous values of the current over a complete cycle.

RMS current provides a way to quantify the magnitude of an AC signal in terms comparable to direct current (DC) values, making it useful for calculating power in AC circuits.

RMS current is a critical concept in AC circuit analysis, providing a meaningful measure of current that can be directly compared to DC values for power calculations.

RMS current is the effective value that provides the same power dissipation in a resistive load as a DC current of the same value. This makes it a crucial measure for power calculations.

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RMS values allow for direct comparison between AC and DC circuits. An AC current with an RMS value of IRMS​ will deliver the same power to a resistive load as a DC current of IRMS.

RMS current, IRMS(A) in amperes is calculated by dividing the average power, Pave(W) in watts by voltage, V(V) in volts.

RMS current, IRMS(A) = Pave(W)­ / V(V)

IRMS(A) = current in amperes, A.

Pave(W)­ = average power in watts, W.

V(V) = voltage in volts, V.

RMS Current Calculation:

  1. Calculate the RMS current for a circuit with an average power of 50 watts and an RMS voltage of 25 volts.

Given: Pave(W)­ = 50W, V(V) = 25V.

RMS current, IRMS(A) = Pave(W)­ / V(V)

IRMS(A) = 50 * 25

IRMS(A) = 2A.

  1. Suppose the RMS current in a circuit is 3 amperes and the average power is 60 watts. Calculate the RMS voltage.

Given: Pave(W)­ = 60W, IRMS(A) = 3A.

RMS current, IRMS(A) = Pave(W)­ /V(V)

V(V) = IRMS(A) / Pave(W)­

V(V) = 60 / 3

V(V) = 20V.

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