RF Power Conversion Calculation, Formula, Example

RF Power Conversion Calculator

RF is the radio frequency power amplifier. This amplifier acts as the normal amplifier which converts low power RF signal into high RF power signal. RF signals has represented in terms of watts and decibels.  For human ears normally the sound is heard in decibels so its unit was invented as decibels. Losses can be easily calculated in decibels. In technically engineers used as the unit WATT using this watt it is easy to find out how much power is emitting and receiving.


Power in decibels (PdBm) is equals to ten logarithmic ten of power milliwatts


Power in decibel watts is equals to ten logarithmic ten of power in watts


Power in milliwatts is equals to ten of power decibels is reciprocal of ten


Power watts is equals to ten of power in decibels is reciprocal of ten

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Power in decibels watts is equals to power in decibel milliwatts minus of thirty



PdBm= Power in decibel milliwatts

PdBW = Power in decibel watts

PmW = Power in milliwatts

PmW = Power in watts

Example 1

Let’s calculate power in decibel milliwatts by using RF power. Consider power in millivolts PmW is 20 milliwatts.

Let’s apply formula


PdBm = 10log10*20

PdBm  = 13.0103 dBm

Example 2

Let’s calculate power in decibel watts by using RF power. Consider power in watts PW is 15.

Let’s apply formula


PdBW = 10log10*15

PdBW = 11.7609


Example 3

Let’s calculate power in milliwatts by using RF power. Consider power in decibel milliwatts PdBm = 25.

Let’s apply formula

PmW =10

PmW = 10

PmW = 316.2278

Example 4

Let’s calculate power in watts by using RF power. Consider power in decibel watts PdBW = 30.

Let’s apply formula


PW = 10

PW = 1e+300





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