Per Unit Rate in Jharkhand 2023, Electricity Bill Calculator

JSEB Electricity Bill Calculator:

Enter the unit consumption, press the calculate button to get energy charges, electricity Cost, electricity duty charges, and fixed charges as per Jharkhand tariff order 2023-24.

Consumption: kWh
Number of Months:  
Total Energy Charges: INR
Fixed Charges Amount: INR
Electricity Duty Amount: INR
Total Bill Amount: INR


Rate of electricity per unit in Jharkhand 2023-24:

Jharkhand Electricity Board JSEB, JBVNL – Jharkhand Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited has a different tariff to all domestic consumer for both rural and urban.

Jharkhand Electricity Bill Per Unit
Power Range  Per unit(₹) Fixed Charges
Domestic All 4.25 75
Commercial All 4.2 150/kW
LT Industrial All 4.2 150/kW


As per latest tariff order by JBVNL Rate of electricity per unit in Jharkhand 2023 is ₹ 4.25/unit in addition to that ₹ 75 per month shall be levied from the consumer fixed charges for both single-phase and three-phase consumer.

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Also, according to the electricity duty act by the Jharkhand, additionally all consumer shall pay ₹ 0.24 per unit as electricity duty charges.


Commercial consumer shall pay ₹4.2 per unit and 150 per kW per month as fixed charges.

Power Range  Per unit(₹) Fixed Charges
Commercial All 4.2 150/kW

HT Service:

The shall pay 3.95 per unit and 400/kVA as fixed charges.

HT Per Unit
Power Range  Per unit(₹) Fixed Charges
Domestic All 3.95 400/kVA

JSEB electricity Bill Calculation:


What would be the electricity bill cost for the 400 units as per Jharkhand electricity tariff order? Look at the bill rate. The total cost is 1871/- for 400 units.

JBVNL Electricity Bill Calculation for Urban 400 Units
Scheme Tariff Range Per unit(₹) Units Bill
All >0 4.25 400 1700
Energy Charges 1700
Fixed Charges 75
Duty charges 96
Total 1871




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