Punching Force Calculator, Formula, Punching Force Calculation

Punching Force Calculator:

Enter the values of perimeter of the punch, P(m), thickness of the punch, T(m) and shear strength of the material, SS(Pa) to determine the value of punching force, PF(N).

Enter Perimeter of the Punch: m
Enter Thickness of the Punch: m
Enter Shear Strength: Pa
Result – Punching Force: N

Punching Force Formula:

The concept of Punching Force (PF) is crucial in evaluating the impact force exerted by a mechanical press or a similar device when punching a hole through a material.

The punching force, PF(N) in Newton in calculated by the product of perimeter of the punch, P(m) in metres, thickness of the punch, T(m) in metres and shear strength of the material, SS(Pa) in Pascals.

Punching force, PF(N) = P(m) * T(m) * SS(Pa)

PF(N) = punching force in Newton, N.

P(m) = perimeter of the punch in metre, m.

T(m) = thickness of the punch in metre, m.

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SS(Pa) = shear strength in Pascals, Pa.

Punching Force Calculation:

  1. Suppose you need to punch a hole with a diameter of 0.01 metres in a steel plate that is 0.003 metres thick. The shear strength of the steel is 350 MPa (350,000,000 Pa). Find the punching force.

Given: T(m) = 0.003m, SS(Pa) = 350Mpa.

Diameter of the punch, d = 0.01m , Perimeter, P(m)  = pi * d = 3.14 * 0.01

Punching force, PF(N) = P(m) * T(m) * SS(Pa)

PF(N) = 3.14 * 0.01 * 0.003 * 350,000,000

PF(N) = 32, 986N.

  1. Calculate the shear strength of a material if the punching force required to punch through it is 5000 N, using a punch with a perimeter of 0.05 metres on material that is 0.002 metres thick.

Given: T(m) = 0.002m, P(m) = 0.05m, PF(N) = 5000N.

Punching force, PF(N) = P(m) * T(m) * SS(Pa)

SS(Pa) = PF(N) / P(m) * T(m)

SS(Pa) = 5000 / 0.05 * 0.002

SS(Pa) = 50,000,000Pa.


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