Mass to Pressure Calculator, Formula, Mass to Pressure Calculation

Mass to Pressure Calculator:

Enter the values of mass, M(kg), acceleration due to gravity, g(m/s2) and surface area, A(m2) to determine the value of Pressure, P(Pa).

Enter Mass: kg
Enter Acceleration Due to Ggravity: m/s2
Enter Surface Area: m2
Result – Pressure: Pa

Mass to Pressure Formula:

Pressure represents the force applied per unit area, often measured in Pascals (Pa). When mass is involved, pressure can be calculated by considering the weight of an object, which is the force due to gravity on that mass.

Pressure – the force exerted per unit area.

Total mass – the total weight of the object creating the pressure.

Surface area – the area over which the mass is distributed.

A heavier object will exert more pressure on a given surface area.

Concentrating the same mass on a smaller surface area results in a higher pressure. This is why sharp objects like needles can exert high pressure despite having a small mass.

Pressure, P(Pa) in Pascals is calculated by dividing the product of mass, M(kg) in kilograms and acceleration due to gravity, g(m/s2) in metres per second squared by surface area, A(m2) in square metres.

Pressure, P(Pa) = M(kg) * g(m/s2) / A(m2)

P(Pa) = pressure in Pascals, Pa.

M(kg) = mass in kilograms, kg.

g(m/s2) = acceleration due to gravity in metres per second squared, m/s2.

A(m2) = surface area in square metres, m2.

Mass to Pressure Calculation:

  1. A block with a mass of 50 kg is placed on a surface area of 0.25 m2. Calculate the pressure exerted by the block on the surface.

Given: M(kg) = 50kg, g(m/s2) = 9.81m/s2, A(m2) = 0.25 m2.

Pressure, P(Pa) = M(kg) * g(m/s2) / A(m2)

P(Pa) = 50 * 9.81 / 0.25

P(Pa) = 490.5 / 0.25

P(Pa) = 1962Pa.

  1. A person with a mass of 70 kg stands on a surface, exerting a pressure of 1000 Pa. Determine the surface area in contact with the ground.

Given: M(kg) = 70kg, g(m/s2) = 9.81m/s2, P(Pa) = 1000Pa.

Pressure, P(Pa) = M(kg) * g(m/s2) / A(m2)

A(m2) = M(kg) * g(m/s2) / P(Pa)

A(m2) = 70 * 9.81 / 1000

A(m2) = 0.6867m2.



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