kWh to W Conversion Calculator Energy to Power Calculations

KWh to watts calculator:

The energy in kWh (kilo-Watt-Hour) in the first table and time in the hour in the second table and press calculate button to get the Power to result in watts.

Enter energy in kilowatt-hours: kWh
Enter time in hours: hr
Power result in watts: W

1000 times of kilowatts hour (kWh) divide by Time (t(hr)) is equal to Watt (W). Watt is the SI unit of power. Hence,

Power = 1000 * energy in kilowatt-hour / Time in hour

=> P(W) = 1000 × E(kWh) / t(hr)

Or in another word

W = 1000 * kWh / s(hr)

For Easy understanding,

A water heater consumes 500 kWh in a day, calculate the power in watt.

Power P(W) = 1000 * 500 / 24

P(W)  = 20833.33333 Watts


KWh to watts Conversion Chart:

S. No kWh Hours Watt
1 0.75 24 31.25
2 1.1 24 45.83
3 1.5 24 62.5
4 2.2 24 91.67
5 3.7 24 154.17
6 5.5 24 229.17
7 7.5 24 312.50
8 11 24 458.33
9 15 24 625.00
10 22 24 916.67
11 37 24 1541.67
12 50 24 2083.33
13 75 24 3125.00
14 90 24 3750.00
15 110 24 4583.33
16 132 24 5500.00
17 150 24 6250.00
18 175 24 7291.67
19 220 24 9166.67
20 250 24 10416.67
21 280 24 11666.67
22 310 24 12916.67
23 350 24 14583.33
24 375 24 15625.00
25 420 24 17500.00
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