kW to kVA Conversion Calculator Real Power to Apparant Power

kW to kVA Conversion Calculator:

For converting real power in kiloWatts to apparent power in kilo Volt-Amp, just enter the value of kW & power factor between 0 to 1 and press the calculate button to get the apparent power.

Enter kilowatts: kW
Enter power factor:  
Result in kilovolt-amps: kVA

kW to kVA Calculation:

kVA is equal to kW divided by power factor. Hence

kVA = kW / pf

Apparent power = real power / power factor.


Calculate kVA rating of 35 kW generator operating with 0.95 power factor.

By Appling above formula the apparent power S(kVA) is

kVA = 35 / 0.95

kW to kVA Conversion Chart:

The below kVA values are calculated for pf 0.95 and the same can be varied by changing the power factor.

S. No kW pf kVA
1 0.75 0.95 0.8
2 1.1 0.95 1.2
3 1.5 0.95 1.6
4 2.2 0.95 2.3
5 3.7 0.95 3.9
6 5.5 0.95 5.8
7 7.5 0.95 7.9
8 11 0.95 11.6
9 15 0.95 15.8
10 22 0.95 23.2
11 37 0.95 38.9
12 50 0.95 52.6
13 75 0.95 78.9
14 90 0.95 94.7
15 110 0.95 115.8
16 132 0.95 138.9
17 150 0.95 157.9
18 175 0.95 184.2
19 220 0.95 231.6
20 250 0.95 263.2
21 280 0.95 294.7
22 310 0.95 326.3
23 350 0.95 368.4
24 375 0.95 394.7
25 420 0.95 442.1
Learn More:   Capacitor Power Calculator, Formula, Capacitor Calculation



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