kW to VA Conversion Calculator Online With Motor Chart

kW to VA calculator:

For calculating kW to VA, just fill the kW value to be converted at the below calculator. Next, put the power factor value and after pressing the calculate button, you see VA results at the bottom box.

Note: You have to enter only kilo Watt value, not Watt value.

Enter kilowatts: kW
Enter power factor:  
Result in volt-amps: VA

kW to VA Conversion Calculator:

As you know Watt is the SI unit of real power and VA is the SI unit of apparent power. Volt-Amp is nothing but a 1000 times of kiloWatt divided by power factor.

Let us take apparent power S(VA), Real power P(kW) and power factor pf. Then you find the below formula,

S(VA) = 1000P(kW) / PF

VA = 1000 * kW / pf


Calculate VA rating of the 200kW turbo alternator whose rated power factor is 0.86.

Use our formula,

Learn More:   ABS Round Bar Weight Calculator, Formula, ABS Round Bar Weight Calculation

VA = 1000 * 200 / 0.86

S(VA) = 232558.1395 Volt-Amp.

kW to VA conversion chart:

Find the below-mentioned table of standard induction motor VA table chart for the power factor of 0.95. And the VA rating can be varied by changing the power factor.

S. No kW pf VA
1 0.75 0.95 789.5
2 1.1 0.95 1157.9
3 1.5 0.95 1578.9
4 2.2 0.95 2315.8
5 3.7 0.95 3894.7
6 5.5 0.95 5789.5
7 7.5 0.95 7894.7
8 11 0.95 11578.9
9 15 0.95 15789.5
10 22 0.95 23157.9
11 37 0.95 38947.4
12 50 0.95 52631.6
13 75 0.95 78947.4
14 90 0.95 94736.8
15 110 0.95 115789.5
16 132 0.95 138947.4
17 150 0.95 157894.7
18 175 0.95 184210.5
19 220 0.95 231578.9
20 250 0.95 263157.9
21 280 0.95 294736.8
22 310 0.95 326315.8
23 350 0.95 368421.1
24 375 0.95 394736.8
25 420 0.95 442105.3



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