Goa Electricity Bill calculator, Per Unit Rate 2023-24

Goa Electricity Bill calculator:

Goa electricity board hikes the electricity per unit rate up to 25%. Enter the unit consumer as per GOA electricity board, Then press the calculate button to get the energy amount, fixed charges and total electricity charges.

Choose Connection type:
Total Unit Consumption: kWh

Energy Charges INR
Fixed Charges INR
Total Bill INR

Goa Electricity Tariff Rate:

Goa is the one of the most popular union place in India. As per latest electricity tariff order, GOA has two tariff categories such as Low income group and LT domestic tariff.

Low Income group Tariff:

People who are having connected load less than 0.1kW with the month consumption of 30 units will come into LIG group. They can pay only ₹ 40 per month per connection.

 LT Domestic tariff:

This tariff is applicable for the domestic residential consumer. They shall pay their electricity bill based on the 5 different slab rates.

  • For first 100 units they shall pay ₹ 1.75 per unit
  • Second 100 units it means from 100 to 200 units, the consumer shall pay ₹ 2.6 per unit
  • Third 100 units from 200 to 300 units, they shall pay ₹ 3.3 per unit.
  • Fourth 100 units from 300 to 400, the consumer shall pay ₹ 4.4/- Per unit
  • Above 400 units, the consumer shall pay ₹ 5.1 per units.
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HT Consumer shall pay 4.6 per unit and 110 per kW per month for all unit of consumption.

Additionally all the single phase consumer shall pay ₹ 20 per kW Per Month for the Load demanded.

Power Range  Per unit(₹) Fixed charges
BPL All 20 per kW
Domestic 0-100 units 1.75 20 per kW
101-200 units 2.6
201 to 300 units 3.3
301 to 400 units 4.4
Above 400 units 5.1


Goa is exempted from electricity duty and tax.

HT Domestic:

Power Range  Per unit(₹) Fixed charges
HT Domestic All 4.6 110 Per kW

LT Commercial tariff Rate:

Power Range  Per unit(₹) Fixed charges
Upto 20 kW 0-100 units 3.6 40 Per kW
101-200 units 4.4
201 to 400 units 5
Above 400 units 5.3
More than 20 kW to 90 kW 0-100 units 3.6 70 Per kW
101-200 units 4.4
201 to 400 units 5
Above 400 units 5.3
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Goa Electricity Bill calculation:


Let we calculate the electricity bill for single phase, 900 units as per GOA electricity Latest tariff rate with 3kW connected Load.

The consumer shall pay ₹ 3755 as electricity bill.

Domestic LT tariff Bill Calculation – 900 Units With 3kW Connected Load
Scheme Tariff Range Per unit(₹) Unit Billing
LT Domestic 0-100 1.75 100 175
101-200 2.6 100 260
201-300 3.3 100 330
301-400 4.4 100 440
>400 5.1 500 2550
Energy Charges 3755
Fixed Charges 60
Total 3815



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