Gujarat Per Unit Rate 2023-24, Electricity Bill Calculator


Simplified version of RGP and Non RGP (urban) consumer bill calculation is released. No Tariff Hike for this year 2023-24.

Gujarat Bill Calculator – RGP & Rural:

Just Enter your electricity consumption or choose the reading option to get the electricity bill consumption and energy bills etc. Choose the type of consumer you are to get the electricity bill consumption, energy bills etc.

Note: In our calculator we have not included Tax and Duty.

Choose Connection type:  
Total Unit Consumption: kWh
Energy Charges INR
Fixed Charges INR
Total Bill INR

Gujarat Electricity tariff Bill Calculation 2023-24:

Gujrat electricity board has two categories of tariff for domestic consumers. They are RGP and Rural RGP tariff rate. The RGP grade consumers shall pay 30% extra than the RGP rural consumer. (residential)

RGP consumer shall pay ₹ 3.05 for the 0 to 50 units, ₹3.5 for the next 51 to 100 units, ₹ 4.15 per unit for the consumption of 101 to 250 units and above 250 units the consumer shall pay ₹ 5.2 per units. Additionally, the consumer shall pay fixed charges based on their connected load. Typically up to 2kW it will be charged ₹ 15 per month, above 2kW to 4kW it is ₹ 25 per month, above 4kW to 6kW it is ₹ 45/- per month and above 6kW it is ₹ 70/-

For RGP-Rural consumer the per-unit cost for 0 to 50 units will be ₹ 2.65/-, for 51 to 100 units the per-unit cost will be ₹ 3.10/-, for 100 to 250 units, the per-unit cost will be ₹ 3.75/- and above 250 units it will be ₹ 4.9/-. Also, the fixed charges will be charged additionally as same as the RGP non-rural rate.

For BPL consumer, they can pay ₹ 1.5 for the first 0 to 30 units and above all consumption will be charged based on RGP tariff. For BPL consumers for all connected load, the fixed charges will be ₹ 5 per month.

Per unit cost in Gujarat RGP Consumer:

Domestic Consumer LT – Gujarat RGP
Connected Load Power Range GERCIN Per unit(₹) Fixed Charge Tax
Upto 2 kW 0-50 3.05 15 15%
51-100 3.5 15%
101-250 4.15 15%
>250 5.2 15%
Above 2 kW & upto 4 kW 0-50 3.05 25 15%
51-100 3.5 15%
101-250 4.15 15%
>250 5.2 15%
Above 4 kW & upto 6 kW 0-50 3.05 45 15%
51-100 3.5 15%
101-250 4.15 15%
>250 5.2 15%
Above 4 kW & upto 6 kW 0-50 3.05 70 15%
51-100 3.5 15%
101-250 4.15 15%
>250 5.2 15%
BPL 0-30 1.5 5 15%
30-50 3.05 15%
51-100 3.5 15%
101-250 4.15 15%
>250 5.2 15%


Per unit cost in Gujarat RGP Rural Consumer:

Domestic Consumer LT – Gujarat RGP Rural
Connected Load Power Range PSPCL Per unit(₹) Fixed Charge Tax
Upto 2 kW 0-50 2.65 15 7.5%
51-100 3.1 7.5%
101-250 3.75 7.5%
>250 4.9 7.5%
Above 2 kW & upto 4 kW 0-50 2.65 25 7.5%
51-100 3.1 7.5%
101-250 3.75 7.5%
>250 4.9 7.5%
Above 4 kW & upto 6 kW 0-50 2.65 45 7.5%
51-100 3.1 7.5%
101-250 3.75 7.5%
>250 4.9 7.5%
Above 4 kW & upto 6 kW 0-50 2.65 70 7.5%
51-100 3.1 7.5%
101-250 3.75 7.5%
>250 4.9 7.5%
BPL 0-30 1.5 5 7.5%
30-50 2.65 7.5%
51-100 3.1 7.5%
101-250 3.75 7.5%
>250 4.9 7.5%



Gujrat Electricity Bill Calculation for RGP:


Calculate the electricity bill of RGP rural consumer for the consumption of 2987 units and the consumer has connected load of 5kW.

Your total electricity bill will be ₹ 2737/-

Electricity Bill calculation for 587 Units RGP Rural
Connected Load Power Range PSPCL Per unit(₹) Total Units Bill
Above 2 kW & upto 4 kW 0-50 2.65 50 132.5
51-100 3.1 50 155
101-250 3.75 150 562.5
>250 4.9 337 1651.3
Energy Charges 2501.3
Fixed Charges 45
Tax 190.9725
Total 2737.2725


Let we calculate the same consumption with RGP Non-rural tariff

Look at the table, the consumer has to pay ₹ 3159 as electricity bill under RGP tariff.

Electricity Bill calculation for 587 Units – RGP Tariff
Connected Load Power Range PSPCL Per unit(₹) Total Units Bill
Above 2 kW & upto 4 kW 0-50 3.05 50 152.5
51-100 3.5 50 175
101-250 4.15 150 622.5
>250 5.2 337 1752.4
Energy Charges 2702.4
Fixed Charges 45
Tax 412.11
Total 3159.51



  • Gujarat Official Tariff order 2020-21
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