Friction Factor Calculator, Formula, Calculation

Friction Factor Calculator

Enter the values of fluid velocity, V(m/s), diameter of the pipe, D(m) and kinematic viscocity, v(m2/s) to determine the value of friction factor, f.

Enter Fluid Velocity: m/s
Enter Diameter: m
Enter Kinematic Viscosity: m2/s
Result – Friction Factor:

Friction Factor Formula:

The friction factor (f) is a critical parameter in fluid mechanics, particularly in the study of flow in pipes.

It quantifies the resistance that a fluid faces as it flows through a pipe due to the surface roughness of the pipe’s interior.

The friction factor is essential for determining the pressure drop across a length of pipe and ultimately for designing efficient piping systems.

This concept is especially relevant in civil, chemical, and mechanical engineering where fluid flow is crucial, such as in water distribution, oil and gas pipelines, and HVAC systems.

Friction factor, f is calculated by dividing 64 by the product of fluid velocity, V(m/s) in metres per second, diameter of the pipe, D(m) in metres and then divide it by kinematic viscocity, v(m2/s) in square metres per second.

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Friction factor, f = 64 / V(m/s) * D(m) / v(m2/s)

f = friction factor.

V(m/s) = fluid velocity in metres per second, m/s.

D(m) = diameter in metres, m.

v(m2/s) = kinematic viscosity in square metres per second, m2/s.

Friction Factor Calculation:

  1. Calculate the friction factor for water flowing in a pipe:

Given: V(m/s) = 1 m/s, D(m) = 0.05 m, v(m2/s) = 1 * 10-6 m2/s

Friction factor, f = 64 / V(m/s) * D(m) / v(m2/s)

f = 64 / 1 * 0.05 / 1 * 10-6

f = 64 / 50,000

f = 0.00128.

  1. Determine the pipe diameter required to achieve a desired friction factor with known fluid velocity and viscosity:

Given: V(m/s) = 2m/s, f = 0.002, v(m2/s) = 1 * 10-6 m2/s

Friction factor, f = 64 / V(m/s) * D(m) / v(m2/s)

D(m) = f * V(m/s) / 64 * v(m2/s)

D(m) = 64 * 1 * 10-6 / 0.002 * 2

D(m) = 0.016m.

Applications and Considerations:

  • Pipe Design: Engineers use the friction factor to design pipes that minimize energy losses due to friction, optimizing the system’s overall efficiency.
  • Pump Selection: Accurate calculation of friction factor aids in selecting the appropriate pump for a given system to meet the required flow rate and pressure conditions.
  • Energy Efficiency: Lowering the friction factor in pipelines can lead to significant reductions in energy consumption, particularly in large-scale industrial applications.
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