Delhi Electricity Bill Calculator, Per unit Rate 2024-25 Updated

Delhi Electricity Bill Calculator:

As per latest update from derc, there is no electricity power hike for this year 2024-25.

Enter the electricity total consumption as per BSES or you can choose the meter reading. Then press the calculate button to get total electricity bill, energy bill, tax mount, surcharges, meter rent etc.

Consumption: kWh
Demanded Load: kW
Total Energy Charges: INR
Fixed Charges Amount: INR
Electricity PPAC Amount: INR
Surcharges Charges: INR
Tax Charges: INR
Total Bill Amount: INR

 Delhi Electricity Tariff Rate Per unit 2024-25:

Delhi electricity bill calculator is designed to calculate the electricity bill as per DERC latest tariff order 2024-25. According to that, Delhi electricity has 5 tariff slaps based on the consumer’s consumption.

In this if the consumer consumption is less than 200 units means, you do not have to pay electricity bills. In case, if your bill is more than 200 units means you have to pay bill for all the units.

  1. For 0 to 200 units the per unit cost will be ₹ 3,
  2. Consumption from 201 to 400 units the unit cost is ₹ 4.5
  3. 401 to 800 unit the per unit cost will be ₹ 6.5
  4. 801 to 1200 units, the per unit cost will be ₹ 7
  5. More than 1200 unit the unit cost will be ₹ 8
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Additionally, the consumer shall pay fixed charges, 5% electricity tax will be collected during each billing cycle. Also the consumer shall pay Rs 20/kW/month for sanctioned load up to 2 kW. Rs 50/kW/month for sanctioned load between 2 kW and 5 kW.

Rs 100/kW/month for sanctioned load between 5 kW and 15 kW. Rs 200/kW/month for sanctioned load between 15 kW and 25 kW. Rs 250/kW/month for sanctioned load more than 25 kW as fixed charges.

Latest tariff 2024-25:

Domestic Consumer LT – Delhi
Connected Load Power Range DERC Per unit(₹) Fixed Charge (per/kw)
Up to 2 kW 0-200 3 20
201-400 4.5
401-800 6.5
801-1200 7
>1200 8
Above 2 kW & up to 5 kW 0-200 3 50
201-400 4.5
401-800 6.5
801-1200 7
>1200 8
Above 5 kW & up to 15 kW 0-200 3 100
201-400 4.5
401-800 6.5
801-1200 7
>1200 8
above 15kW to 25 kW 0-200 3 200
201-400 4.5
401-800 6.5
801-1200 7
>1200 8
>25kW 0-200 3 250
201-400 4.5
401-800 6.5
801-1200 7
>1200 8
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Additional Charges:

The charges which is calculated during the time of billing. They are PPAC charges, Surcharges and Tax.

  • BESE charges 22.18% of PPAC charges to the consumer.
  • 8% Surcharges.
  • 5% of Electricity Tax.

Delhi electricity Bill Calculation:


Calculate the electricity Bill of a consumer consumed 560 units with the connected load of 1kW in a month.

The total electricity bill amount is ₹ 3528.2623 for 560 units.

In this, for the first 200 unit the bill amount is ₹ 600/- (3 x 200), for the next 200 units it is ₹ 900/- (200 x 4.5), next 160 units, the bill amount is ₹ 1040/-  Fixed charges is ₹ 4000/- (20kW x 200). Additionally, electricity tax 5% 8% of Surcharges, 22.14% of PPAC charges will be added as per Delhi electricity act.

Delhi Electricity Bill Calculation for 560 Units
Load Tariff Range Per unit(₹) Units Bill
1kW 0-200 3 200 600
201-400 4.5 200 900
401-800 6.5 160 1040
801-1200 7
>1200 8
Energy Charges 2540
PPAC 562.356
Fixed Charges 20
Tax 405.90628
Total 3528.2623
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