VA to Watts Conversion Calculator & Motor Power Chart

VA to watts Conversion Calculator:

Enter volt-amps: VA
Enter power factor:  
Result in watts: W

Power factor times of apparent power is equal to real power. Let us consider power factor is cos pi, apparent power S in VA and real power P in Watt, by using the above relation,

P(W) =  S(VA) × cos pi

Real power = apparent power * power factor.

Unit wise

Watt = VA * pf


A turbo alternator is operating at 5000 VA at unity power factor. Calculate the real power in Watt supply through the alternator.

Apply our formula,

P(W) = 5000 * 1

Real power = 5000 Watts

Hence at unity power factor, the real power is equal to the apparent power.

VA to Watt conversion chart:

In below table, you can find out the standard VA rating of the motor and their real power at different power factor. While increasing the power factor, we can increase the real power (rating) of the equipment.

Learn More:   CT Ratio to Current Calculator, Formula, R To C Calculation

Note: It is applicable for only AC circuits.

S. No VA pf Watt at 0.86 pf W at 0.96 pf
1 872.09 0.96 0.86 750 837.21
2 1279.07 0.96 0.86 1100 1227.91
3 1744.19 0.96 0.86 1500 1674.42
4 2558.14 0.96 0.86 2200 2455.81
5 4302.33 0.96 0.86 3700 4130.23
6 6395.35 0.96 0.86 5500 6139.53
7 8720.93 0.96 0.86 7500 8372.09
8 12790.70 0.96 0.86 11000 12279.07
9 17441.86 0.96 0.86 15000 16744.19
10 25581.40 0.96 0.86 22000 24558.14
11 43023.26 0.96 0.86 37000 41302.33
12 58139.53 0.96 0.86 50000 55813.95
13 87209.30 0.96 0.86 75000 83720.93
14 104651.16 0.96 0.86 90000 100465.12
15 127906.98 0.96 0.86 110000 122790.70
16 153488.37 0.96 0.86 132000 147348.84
17 174418.60 0.96 0.86 150000 167441.86
18 203488.37 0.96 0.86 175000 195348.84
19 255813.95 0.96 0.86 220000 245581.40
20 290697.67 0.96 0.86 250000 279069.77
21 325581.40 0.96 0.86 280000 312558.14
22 360465.12 0.96 0.86 310000 346046.51
23 406976.74 0.96 0.86 350000 390697.67
24 436046.51 0.96 0.86 375000 418604.65
25 488372.09 0.96 0.86 420000 468837.21
Learn More:   Hp to MVA Conversion Calculator





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