VA to kW Conversion calculator With Motor kW chart

VA to kW calculator:

Enter volt-amps: VA
Enter power factor:  
Result in kilowatts: kW

Type the Apparent power Volt-Amp in the first column and enter the power factor at the second column, afterwards press the calculate button. Now you see the kW values at the result column.

VA to kW Conversion formula:

VA and kW is the unit of apparent power and a real power. The kW is depending on the apparent power and power factor. I mean the real power is the power factor times of the apparent power. For getting kW, we need to divide the real power by 1000.

P(W) = S(VA) × PF

P(kW) = P(W) / 1000 = S(VA) × PF / 1000


Let take generator is operating at 25000 VA at 0.86 power factor. Calculate the real power of the generator.

P(kW) = 25000 * 0.86 / 1000

Real power in kilo watt = 21.5 kW

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VA to kW Conversion Chart:

Look at the below conversion table of VA to KW and it is calculated from two different power factor of 0.96 and 0.86. The motor kW is purely depending on the VA and power factor.

S. No VA pf kW at 0.86 pf kW at 0.96 pf
1 872.09 0.96 0.86 0.75 0.84
2 1279.07 0.96 0.86 1.1 1.23
3 1744.19 0.96 0.86 1.5 1.67
4 2558.14 0.96 0.86 2.2 2.46
5 4302.33 0.96 0.86 3.7 4.13
6 6395.35 0.96 0.86 5.5 6.14
7 8720.93 0.96 0.86 7.5 8.37
8 12790.70 0.96 0.86 11 12.28
9 17441.86 0.96 0.86 15 16.74
10 25581.40 0.96 0.86 22 24.56
11 43023.26 0.96 0.86 37 41.30
12 58139.53 0.96 0.86 50 55.81
13 87209.30 0.96 0.86 75 83.72
14 104651.16 0.96 0.86 90 100.47
15 127906.98 0.96 0.86 110 122.79
16 153488.37 0.96 0.86 132 147.35
17 174418.60 0.96 0.86 150 167.44
18 203488.37 0.96 0.86 175 195.35
19 255813.95 0.96 0.86 220 245.58
20 290697.67 0.96 0.86 250 279.07
21 325581.40 0.96 0.86 280 312.56
22 360465.12 0.96 0.86 310 346.05
23 406976.74 0.96 0.86 350 390.70
24 436046.51 0.96 0.86 375 418.60
25 488372.09 0.96 0.86 420 468.84
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