Convert VA to Amps (VA to A) Calculation

VA to Amps Calculator (VA to V):

VA to A calculator is the short form of Volt-Amp to Amp converter. Enter the VA – Apparent Power value to be converted in the first box and enter the voltage in the second box to get the results in ampere.

Enter phase #:  
Enter volt-amps: VA
Enter line to line volts: V
Result in amps: A

Apparent power is only applicable for AC circuit only. In the DC circuit, there is no apparent power term.

Single Phase VA to Amps Formula:

As we said apparent power is the voltage times of current. hence the current in Amp will be the apparent power divided by the voltage.

I(A) = Current in Amp

V(V) = Voltage in Volts

S(VA) = Apparent Power in VA


I(A) = S(VA) / V(V)

In simple words,

Amp = VA / Volts

Three Phase VA to Amps Formula:

Three-phase apparent power is equal to three times of single-phase Apparent power while considering Line to neutral voltage. In case while considering line to line voltage, the VA will be the 1.732 times of the single-phase VA.

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S(VA) = 3* I(A) * VL-N(V) 

Hence, I(A)

I(A) = S(VA) / (√3 × VL-N(V)

While considering Line to line voltage, the formula become

I(A) = S(VA) / (√3 × VL-L(V)

Therefore, the current is equal to apparent power divided by the root 3 times of line to line voltage.


A generator is delivering 25000 VA at 415V Line to Line, calculate the full load current of the generator.

Apply our formula,

Full load current I(A) = 25000 / (1.732 * 415)

I(A) = 34.78 Amps

Standard motor VA to Amp (Full load current) conversion chart:

The chart is prepared on the standard motor rating with 0.86 as power factor. The Amps value gives you the full load current calculation of the different rated motor. Also, the full load current can be varied by changing the power factor and voltage.

S. No kW VA at 0.86 pf Volts Amps
1 0.75 872.09 415 1.21
2 1.1 1279.07 415 1.78
3 1.5 1744.19 415 2.43
4 2.2 2558.14 415 3.56
5 3.7 4302.33 415 5.99
6 5.5 6395.35 415 8.90
7 7.5 8720.93 415 12.13
8 11 12790.70 415 17.80
9 15 17441.86 415 24.27
10 22 25581.40 415 35.59
11 37 43023.26 415 59.86
12 50 58139.53 415 80.89
13 75 87209.30 415 121.33
14 90 104651.16 415 145.60
15 110 127906.98 415 177.95
16 132 153488.37 415 213.54
17 150 174418.60 415 242.66
18 175 203488.37 415 283.10
19 220 255813.95 415 355.90
20 250 290697.67 415 404.43
21 280 325581.40 415 452.96
22 310 360465.12 415 501.50
23 350 406976.74 415 566.20
24 375 436046.51 415 606.65
25 420 488372.09 415 679.45
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