Hp to W Conversion Calculator

Hp to W Conversion Calculator:

Enter the HP rating, then press the calculate button.

Enter Horse Power: HP
Result – Watt Power: W

Hp to W Calculation Formula:

P(W) Power rating in Watt is equal to the 746 times of the horsepower. Hence for converting horsepower to watt you can use below-mentioned formula,

P(W) = 746 x P(HP)

Watt = 746 x Horse Power


Convert 5 HP Power to Watt,

Watts = 746 x 5 = 3730 Watts

The motor power is 3730 Watts.

HP to Watt Conversion Chart:

1 750
1.5 1119
2 1500
3 2200
5 3700
7.5 5595
10 7500
15 11000
20 15000
30 22380
50 37000
60 45000
100 74600
120 89520
150 111900
180 134280
200 149200
240 179040
300 223800
350 261100
375 280000
415 309590
470 350620
500 373000
570 425220
Learn More:   Drift Velocity Calculator, Formula, Drift Velocity Calculation


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