Horse Power Force Calculator:
Enter the values of horse power HP(feet-lbf/second) , time T(second) & distance D(feet) to determine the value of Horse power force F(lbf).
Horse Power Force Formula:
The Horse power force F(lbf) in lbf is equal to the horse power HP(feet-lbf/second) in feet-lbf per second into multiply the time T(second) in second and multiply at the value 550 into divided by the distance D(feet) in feet.
The formula of the Horse force can be writtern as,
F(lbf) = HP(feet-lbf/second) * T(second) * 550 / D(feet)
F(lbf) = Horse power force in lbf
HP(feet-lbf/second) = horse power in feet-lbf per second
T(second) = time in second
D(feet) = distance in feet
Calculation for Horse Power Force:
1)To find the Horse power force and horse power 350ft-lbf/s and time 8s and distance 10ft
F= HP * T * 550 / D
F = 350 * 8 * 550 / 10
F = 1,54,000lbf.
2)To find the distance and Horse power force 1,54,000lbf and horse power 350ft-lbf/s and time 8s.
F= HP * T * 550 / D
1,54,000 = 350 * 8 * 550 / D
D = 10feet.