Uttarakhand Per Unit Price, UPCL Bill Calculator 2023-24

UPCL Bill Calculator:

Enter the electricity unit consumption as per UPCL. Then you get the results of UPCL energy bill, fixed charges etc. as per latest tariff order 2023-24. Additionally, you get 15% of electricity duty during billing.

Choose Connection type:  
Total Unit Consumption: kWh
Energy Charges INR
Fixed Charges INR
Total Bill INR

Uttarakhand electricity per unit price:

Look at the table of UPCL per unit price 2023-24 for the domestic consumer such as residential, small house etc.

Power Range  Per unit(₹) Fixed charges
Domestic 0-100 units 3.15 Upto 1 kW-Rs.
• Above 1 kW and
upto 4 kW-Rs.
• Above 4 kW-Rs.
101-200 units 4.6
201 to 400 units 6.3
>401 6.95


Life Line Consumers Below Poverty line including Kutir Jyoti having load upto 1 kW
and Consumption upto 60 units per Month. The BPL Consumer shall pay ₹ 1.75 per unit with the per month fixed cost of ₹ 18/- for all the unit consumption.

The tariff slaps are  common for all single phase and three phase supply units. For general domestic consumer has 5 tariff slap such as

  • For the first 100 units (0-100) per the per-unit cost will be ₹ 3.15/unit, For the second 100 units (100 to 200) the unit cost will be ₹ 4.6, For the third 200 units (200-400) the per-unit cost will be ₹ 6.3.
  • Above 400 unit, UPCL shall charge ₹ 6.95 per unit cost For bulk supply consumer such as employment quarters, Housing Society Employer etc., they shall pay ₹ 6.25 per unit and ₹ 100/kVA as fixed charges.

Additionally, all consumer shall pay ₹  0.15 per unit as electricity duty charges.

Snowbound Area Tariff:

Table 4 : Concessional Tariff for Snowbound Areas
Description Approved
Fixed Charge (Per Month) Energy Charges
1 Domestic Rs. 18/ Connection Rs. 1.75/kWh
2 Non-Domestic upto 1 kW Rs. 18/ Connection Rs. 1.75/kWh
3 Non-Domestic
above 1 kW & upto 4 kW
Rs. 18/ Connection Rs. 2.60/kWh
4 Non-Domestic above 4 kW Rs. 30/ Connection Rs. 3.8/kWh

Non Domestic Consumer:

Description Approved
Fixed / Demand Charges (Per Month) Energy Charges
1 2.1: Government, Educational Institutions and Hospitals etc.
1.1 Upto 25 kW Rs. 80/ kW Rs. 5.4/ kWh
1.2 Above 25 kW Rs. 90/ kVA Rs. 5.15/ kVAh
2 Other Non-Domestic Users
2.1 Upto 4 kW and consumption upto
50 units per month
Rs. 75 / kW Rs. 5.1/ kWh
2.2 Others upto 25kW
not covered in 2.1 above
Rs. 95 / kW Rs. 6.7/ kWh
2.2 Above 25 kW Rs. 95 / kVA Rs. 6.7/ kVAh
3 Single Point Bulk
Supply above 75 kW
Rs. 110 / kVA Rs. 6.80/ kVAh
4 Independent Advertisement
Rs. 120/ kW Rs. 7.5/kWh


UPCL Electricity Bill Calculation:


Let we calculate the electricity bill for the consumption of 450 units with connected load of 3kW.

Totally, the consumer shall pay ₹ 2660/- as total amount.

Here, the consumer shall pay ₹ 315 (100 x 3.15) for the first 100 units and ₹ 460 for the next 100 units, ₹ 1260 for the next 200 units (200 x 6.3), for the remaining 50 units the bill cost is ₹347.5/-

Fixed cost is ₹ 210 per month as 3*70 and ₹ 67.5 as electricity duty charges (450 x 0.14).

UPCL Electricity Bill Calculation for 450 Units With connected Load 3kW
Scheme Tariff Range Per unit(₹) Units Bill
General Category 0-100 3.15 100 315
101-200 4.6 100 460
200-400 6.3 200 1260
>400 6.95 50 347.5
Energy Charges 2382.5
Fixed Charges 210
Duty charges 67.5
Total 2660


Ref: UPCL Tariff Order

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