Horsepower Hp to Amps (hp to A) Conversion Calculator DC, 1 Phase, 3 Phase

Hp to Amps (hp to A) Conversion Calculator:

Enter the voltage, HP, and power factor press the calculate button.

Select Voltage type:  
Enter power in HP: HP
Enter Voltage in volts: V
Current result in Amps: A

Hp to amps Conversion Formula:

We calculate the flow of current from HP, we have three sets of the formula for DC, AC single-phase and AC three-phase.

Note: All we have calculated Line current only.

Hp to DC amps calculation:

DC currents I(A) in amps is equal to 746 times of horsepower P(HP)­ in HP divided by voltage in V(V) in Volts. The DC current in amp formula will be

I(A) = 746 x P(HP) / V(V) amps

Note: The current I(A) in the amp can be measured at either positive or negative terminal.

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Calculate the current flow through the 1.5 HP DC motor which has the potential difference between positive and negative terminal of 400V

DC Current = 746 x 1 / 400 = 1.865 Amps.

Hp to AC single phase amps calculation:

Single-phase AC current I(A) in amps is equal to 746 times of horsepower P(HP) in HP divided by the product of power factor and phase to the neutral voltage V(V) in volts.

AC single phase current I(A) = 746 x P(HP) / (pf x V(V)) in Amps

Note: The single-phase AC current I(A) can be measured through the phase side only.


A 10 HP AC single phase motor has 230 Volts of voltage flow with 0.86 power factor, calculate the current.

AC Current = 746*10 / (230*0.86) = 37.71 Amps.

HP to Three phase amps calculation:

AC three-phase current I(A) in amps is equal to 746 times of the total power P(HP) divided by three times of the multiplication of power factor and potential across phase to the neutral voltage V(V) in volts.

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The phase current in amps I(A) = 746 x P(HP) / (3 x V(V) x pf) in Amps

Note: The AC three-phase current I(A) can be measured in phase side

At the same time Line current, I(A) is equal to 746 times of the power P(HP) in HP divided by root three times of the voltage V(V) in Amps

The Line Current I(A) = 746 x P(HP) / (√3 x pf x V(V)) in Amps

Note: The AC current V(V) can be measured in line side.


A 10 HP AC three-phase motor has 415 Volts of voltage with 0.86 power factor, calculate the line current.

AC three phase line Current =746*10 / (1.732*415*0.85) = 12.2 Amps.


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