Himachal Pradesh Electricity Bill Calculator, Per Unit Rate 2022-23

Himachal Pradesh Electricity Calculator:

Enter the per unit rate and press the calculate button to get electricity bill.

Consumption: kWh
Connected Load:  
Result – Total Energy Charges: INR
Result – Fixed Charges Amount: INR
Result – Electricity Tax Amount: INR
Result – Meter rent Amount: INR
Result – Total Bill Amount: INR

LT Domestic

LT Domestic consumer is charged by three different slap rates. i.e. for the first 125 units, the rate per unit is ₹ 4.15/- for the next 125 to 300 unit is ₹ 5.05 per unit and the above 300 units the per-unit cost is ₹ 5.65. In addition to that, fixed cost 85/connection will be charged on each billing cycle.

      Fixed Charges
  Power Range  Per unit(₹) Rs
Domestic – Single Phase 0-125 4.15 85
126-300 5.05
above 301 5.65
Commercial less than 20kW All 5.3 145
Commercial 20kW to 100kW All 5.05 Nil
Commercial >100kW All 4.95 Nil
Lt Industrial < 20 kW All 4.95 155
LT Industrial above 20kW All 4.8 100
Learn More:   Gas Density Calculator, Formula, Gas Density Calculation


LT Commercial:

Commercial less than 20kW All 5.3 145
Commercial 20kW to 100kW All 5.05 Nil
Commercial >100kW All 4.95 Nil
Lt Industrial < 20 kW All 4.95 155
LT Industrial above 20kW All 4.8 100


Himachal Electricity Bill calculation:

Let we calculate the electricity bill for the consumption of 450 units with the connected load 5kW.

Look at the table, the total electricity bill for 450 units will be ₹ 2335/-

Himachal Electricity Bill Calculation for 450 Units With 5kW connected Load
Scheme Tariff Range Per unit(₹) Units Bill
Domestic 0-125 4.15 125 518.75
126-300 5.05 175 883.75
above 301 5.65 150 847.5
  Energy Charges 2250
Fixed Charges 85
Electricity Duty
Total 2335





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