Convert Amps to nA, mA, Micro Amps, kA, MA, GA Calculator

Current Conversion Calculator (Amps calculator)

Just enter the Amps to be calculated at the any of the boxes, the remaining all the conversion will be calculated automatically with high accuracy.

Enter nano Amps: nA
Enter micro Amps: μA
Enter milli Amps: mA
Enter Amps: A
Enter kilo Amps: kA
Enter mega Amps: MA
Enter giga Amps: GA

How to  convert Pico Amps to Amps & Amps to Pico Amps:

Here pA, nA, micro Amps, milli Amps are the smaller unit and kA, Mega Amps, Giga Amps are the larger unit for the Ampere conversion.

The Current A in Pico Amps (pA) is equal to the Current A in Amps (A) divided by 10,00,00,00,00,000

1 Amp = A(pA) / 10-12

1 pA = 10-12 A = 0.000000000001 A

1 Amps = 10,00,00,00,00,000 pA


How to convert 8 Pico-Amps to Amps:

A(A) = 8pA / 1000000000000 = 0.000000000008 A

How to  convert Nano Amps to Amps & Amps to Nano Amps

The Current A in nano Amps (nA) is equal to the Current A in Amps (A) divided by 1,00,00,00,000 (109)

Learn More:   Amps to kVA Calculator & Convert Amps to kVA (A to kVA) Online

1 Amp = A(nA) / 109

1nA = A(A) / 1,00,00,00,000

1 pA = 10-9 A = 0.000000001 A

1 Amps = 1,00,00,00,000 pA


How to convert 8 nano-Amps to Amps:

A(A) = 8nA / 1000 = 0.000000008 A

How to  convert Amps to microAmps & micro Amps to Amps

Amps to micro Amps:

Micro Amp is equal to 1000000 times of Amps.

A(µA) = A(A) * 1000000 µA

microAmps to Amps formula

The Current A is equal to microAmps (µA) divided by 1000000

A(A) = A(µA) / 1000000 Amps


How to convert 8 Amps to microAmps:

A(µA) = 8A × 106 = 8000000 µA

How to  convert milliAmps to Amps & Amps to milli Amps:

Amps to milli Amps formula:

A Amps is multiple by 1000 is equal to milli Amps

A(mA) = A(A) * 1000 mA

1 mA = 10-3 A = 0.001 A


How to convert 8 Amps to milliAmps

A(mA) = 8A * 1000 = 8000 mA

MilliAmps to Amps formula

Milli Amps mA divided by 1000 is equal to Amps A

Learn More:   Thermal Velocity Calculator, Formula, Thermal Velocity Calculation

A(A) = A(mA) / 1000

1 A = 103 mA = 1000 mA


How to convert 8 milliAmps to Amps:

A(A) = 8mA / 1000 = 0.008 A

How to convert kiloAmps to Amps & Amps to Kilo-Amps:

Amps to kilo Amps formula:

Kilo Amps is equal to Amps divided by 1000

A(kA) = A / 1000

1 kA = 103 A = 1000 A

0.001 kA = 1 A = 10-3 kA


How to convert 8000 Amps to kA

kA = 8000 / 1000 = 8 kA

KiloAmps to Amps formula

Amps is equal to kilo Amp times of 1000.

A(A) = A(kA) * 1000 = 103 * A(kA)


How to convert 8 kiloAmps to Amps:

A(A) = 8kA × 1000 = 8000 A

Convert Amps to mega Amps and MegaAmps to Amps formula

Amps to megaAmps

Mega Amps (MA) is equal to Amps (A) divided by 10,00,000

A(MA) = A(A) / 1000000

1 MA = 0.000001 A


How to convert 80,00,000 Amps to megaAmps:

A(MA) = 8 / 1000000 = 8 MA

Mega Amps to Amps:

Amps is equal to 10,00,000 times of the mega Amps.

Learn More:   Braking Force Calculation, Formula, Braking Force Calculator

A(A) = A(MA) * 1000000

A(A) = A(MA) * 106


How to convert 8MA Amps to Amps:

A(A) = 8 * 1000000 = 80,00,000 A

How to  convert gigaAmps to Amps & Amps to giga Amps:

Giga Amps to Amps formula:

Amps is equal to giga Amps times of 1,00,00,00,000

A(A) = A(GA) * 1,00,00,00,000


How to convert 8GA Amps to Amps:

A(A) = 8 * 1,00,00,00,000 = 8,00,00,00,000 A

Amps to Giga Amps formula

Giga Amps equal to Amps divided by 1,00,00,00,000

A(GA) = A(A) / 1,00,00,00,000

1 Giga-Amps = 0.000000001 Amps


How to convert 8,00,00,00,000 Amps to gigaAmps

A(GA) = 8,00,00,00,000 /  1,00,00,00,000

A(GA) = 8 GA



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