Amps to hp Conversion Calculator Current to Horsepower

Amps to hp Conversion Calculator.

Enter the voltage, current and power factor.

Select current type:  
Enter current in amps: A
Enter voltage in volts: V
Power result in Horsepower: HP

DC Amps to HP Calculation:

DC Horsepower P(HP) is equal to 0.00134 times of dc voltage V(V) in volts and dc current I(A).

P(HP) = 0.00134 x V(V) x I(A)


Calculate the HP rating of the DC motor which has rated voltage of 400V and rated current of 215A.

HP = 0.00134 x 400 x 215 = 115 Hp

The motor HP rating is 115 Hp.

AC Single Phase Amps to HP conversion Formula

For AC single phase power P(HP) is equal to 0.00134 times of voltage V(V) in volts, Current I(A) in amps and power factor.

Single phase power P(HP) = 0.00134 x V(V) x I(A) x pf

Learn More:   3 Phase Current Calculator, Formula, Phase Calculation


What would be the Hp rating of the motor which has rated input AC voltage of 230V and rated current of 3.8 Amps with 0.86 pf.

HP = 0.00134 x 230 x 3.8 x 0.86= 1 Hp

The Single phase motor capacity is 1 HP. By revising this calculation, 1 HP single phase motor takes 3.8 Amps.

AC 3 phase Amps to HP conversion Formula

3 phase power P(HP) is equal to 0.00402 times of current I(A), Line to the neutral voltage V(L-N) in volts, power factor pf.

3 phase power in HP P(HP) = 0.00402 x I(A) x V(L-N) x pf

While considering Line to line voltage, the three-phase power in HP will be

3 phase power P(HP) = 0.00232 x I(A) x V(L-L) x pf


Find the HP rating of the 3 phase induction motor. The following nameplate details are line to line voltage 415 V, 1.3 Amps & 0.86 power factor.

HP = 0.00232 x 415 x 1.3 x 0.86= 1 Hp

The 3 phase motor capacity is 1 HP. By revising this calculation, 1 HP three phase induction motor takes 1.3 Amps.

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